Friday July 26, 2024

Pakistan tribal elders visit China

A Pakistani delegation comprising tribal elders belonging to Bajaur Agency, Khyber Agency, Kurram Agency, Mohmand Agency, Orakzai Agency, North Waziristan and South Waziristan have arrived in China on week-long visit to China

By Web Desk
October 23, 2018

Islamabad: A Pakistani delegation comprising tribal elders belonging to Bajaur Agency, Khyber Agency, Kurram Agency, Mohmand Agency, Orakzai Agency, North Waziristan and South Waziristan have arrived in China on week-long visit to China

The delegation, arrived in China on the invitation of the Chinese government on Monday and will remain there till 28th October.

Apart from Beijing, the delegation shall also visit Xian and Shanghai, says a press release received here today from Beijing China.

The delegation paid a visit to the Embassy of Pakistan on Monday.

They were welcomed by Ambassador Masood Khalid who highlighted the significance of having representation from the tribal areas in such goodwill visits from Pakistan.

Ambassador said that such opportunities of interaction between people from different walks of life are crucial to ensure that the time tested friendship between Pakistan and China is passed on to the next generation.

The delegates were briefed on Pakistan China relations and the progress of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The delegation presented Ambassador with a traditional shawl and cap, followed by a group photo.