Monday December 09, 2024

'Solo: A Star Wars Story' filmmaker reacts to sequel calls

'Solo: A Star Wars Story' opened to positive reviews

By Web Desk
December 31, 2022
Solo: A Star Wars Story filmmaker reacts to sequel calls
'Solo: A Star Wars Story' filmmaker reacts to sequel calls

Solo: A Star Wars Story filmmaker Ron Howard responded to the fans' calls for the film's sequel.

During an interview with NME, the acclaimed filmmaker revealed a discouraging update, "The only discussion that I'm aware of about a sequel for Solo is coming from the fans at this point," he said. "I don't think it's a Lucasfilm priority, as I understand it."

"But there's some great characters launched, and the folks from Lucasfilm love the fans and really do listen, so I would never say never – but I'm not aware of any concrete plans right now to extend the story or deal with that particular set of characters," he added.

Solo: A Star Wars Story came in 2019 and opened to positive reviews.