Pakistan under Imran Khan is cozying up with Saudi Arabia for reasons obvious
The assurance provided to Iran by Pakistan during a recent visit of the Iranian foreign minister looks like an effort to cobble together an informal...
The US and Pakistan are now at a juncture where they are headed for a complete policy divergence
A historical overview of the country where religious groups of one hue or the other have played their role in collusion with the state to turn it...
If the tension escalates towards some form of violence it would engulf not just the entire Middle East but South Asia as well and may become...
Pakistan’s decision to join the US-Arab Islamic Military Alliance is a culmination of the country’s strategic calculus
The confessional statement of TTP spokesperson Ehsanullah Ehsan on national television raises the question of efficacy of this approach in an...
As the winds of fear and oppression blow, there will be flight of talent and emergence of dangerous levels of mediocrity as imagination and...
From fighting battles and defining foreign policy goals to contesting corruption and playing the game for hearts and minds, the army’s role...
The Difa-e-Pakistan Council’s plans of meeting in Islamabad are just an indication of how integral these militants are to our national security...