Monday October 21, 2024

Doctrine of peace

By Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani
September 09, 2022

There are several international players active in our region who are in tussle with each other for increasing influence. However, the current Pakistani COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa's military strategy to ensure our national defence is unconquerable has been successful on all fronts.

Four years ago, in September 2018, I highlighted a report by a renowned British security think tank, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). According to it, the Pakistan Army under the Bajwa Doctrine was performing outstandingly to defend the national interests. The RUSI report also quoted leading American generals and officers who acknowledged the leading role of Pakistan in the war against terror.

In my view, the Bajwa doctrine was proved accurate in August last year when after the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the US forces and international community looked towards Pakistan to withdraw from Kabul.

The Bajwa Doctrine emphasizes that there should be internal peace and stability in Pakistan; terrorism must be completely eradicated and terrorists should not have safe havens in the country. According to the doctrine, the land of Afghanistan should not be used by elements hostile to Pakistan and that the flames of a new war should not flare up in any of our neighbouring countries.

General Bajwa, keeping the wider interest of the country on top priority, made efforts to promote cordial bilateral relations with friendly countries including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, United Kingdom and the US. He also tried his best to remove various obstacles to achieve the noble goal.

General Bajwa, during his interaction with the business community in October 2019, had stated that: “National security is linked to the economy while prosperity is a function of balance in security needs and economic growth.” Similarly, in another event held in Karachi, he pointed out that the economy has an impact on all walks of life; strong economies have the potential to tackle challenges and continuity should be maintained in our national policies.

The doctrine also understands the significance of retaliating against any move challenging sovereignty of Pakistan. A practical demonstration was presented in the form of capturing Indian pilot Abhinandan successfully and later handing him over to India as a peace gesture. The move resulted in delivering a positive message that the two neighbouring nuclear powers should focus on the betterment of their people instead of indulging in wars and conflicts.

During the tenure of General Bajwa, patriotic non-Muslim citizens were also given equal opportunities for the defence of the motherland. The appointment of two Hindu military officers to the high rank of lieutenant colonels this year is undeniable evidence in this regard.

No doubt, the brave forces have secured the external and ideological borders of Pakistan by sacrificing their lives. However, in the era of fifth generation warfare, poisonous propaganda is being used as a weapon to demoralize the Pakistani nation. Frequently, baseless reports are being published in foreign media; objectionable hashtags have emerged on social media and some of our ignorant politicians/analysts make irresponsible statements that damage the reputation of state institutions.

However, those who question the integrity of the country forget the fact that there is a long list of successes of the Pakistan Army under the leadership of General Bajwa. In the past years not only the ambitions of the external forces have been countered, but the process of suppressing the anti-state elements is going on successfully.

In my view, the Bajwa Doctrine is a series of sincere and tireless attempts to transform Pakistan into a peace-loving, prosperous and stable country in the eyes of the international community. Undoubtedly, today all patriotic Pakistani nationals feel proud of the remarkable role of the armed forces in safeguarding our beloved country.

The writer is a member of the National Assembly and patron-in-chief of the Pakistan Hindu Council.

He tweets @RVankwani