Friday July 26, 2024

India a rogue terrorist state: Indian terrorism hits Pakistan

By Zahoor Khan Marwat
February 15, 2021

Since 2001, Pakistan has faced more than 19,000 terrorist attacks, suffered 83,000 casualties and faced direct loss of more than USD 126 billion. As per the dossier on Indian terrorism released by Pakistan, India established 87 training camps against the country and its interests. Of these, India has 66 training camps on the Afghan soil while 21 of these exist in India.

India is also the patron and sponsor of TTP and exercises control over its splinter groups. In Aug 20, RAW facilitated the merger of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar and Hizb-ul-Ahrar (both factions have strong presence in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces of Afghanistan). Both terrorist organizations are banned by Pakistan. As such, India is violating international law, especially UNSC resolution 1372 (2001) by financing and strengthening the TTP. During the 1980s, RAW supported the Liberation Tamil Tigers Ealam (LTTE) to fight against the Sri Lankan government and in the late 60s Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan (later Bangladesh).

In recent times, BLA and TTP, the RAW products, were launched to destabilize Pakistan. India’s involvement in Balochistan is well recognized by independent sources as well. Statement by US Special Representative James Dobbins and leaked diplomatic cables of British (2008) and UAE (2009) confirm the fears. The threats to Pakistan made by Indian NSA Ajit Doval are a violation of Article 2(4) of UN Charter, the UNGA Declaration on Principles of International Law Friendly Relations and Cooperation Among States in Accordance with Charter of the UN, the UNGA Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in Domestic Affairs of States and Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty.

Also, India’s has a long-standing strategy to deliberately attack educational institutions in Pakistan. Terrorist attacks on APS Peshawar, Agriculture University, Peshawar, and Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, are a few examples on Indian sponsored terrorism. In border areas of AJK, schools have remained closed due to heavy shelling by the Indian Army. In clear violation of international human rights, Indian Armed Forces’ occupation of educational institutions in IIOJK started in early 1990s and Indian Central Reserve Police Force still continues to occupy many schools.

The UNSG enumerated attacking schools as one of the six grave violations against children and armed conflict. India is a major violator as per following; Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR); Article 28 of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC); the Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court (ICC) includes attacks on educational buildings that are not military objectives in armed conflicts; UNSC Resolutions 1261(1999), 1998 (2011) and 1882 (2009) strongly condemn attacks against schools. Under IHL, schools are protected civilian objects and therefore benefit from humanitarian principles of distinction, precaution and proportionality; Liber Code (1863); Oxford Manual (1880); Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Convention (1977); Convention of Cluster Munitions (2008).

The EU Disinfo Lab report has further exposed Indian aims. The actors and their actions are referred to as the Indian Chronicles. It shows maximization of negative content on Indian adversaries, primarily Pakistan.

Also it reveals Indian involvement in direct control of more than 10 NGOs accredited to the UNHRC. More than 750 fake media in 116 countries disseminate Indian propaganda. More than 550 website domain names were registered for dissemination of propaganda.

Fake media, dubious NGOs in Brussels and Geneva tow the Indian line.

On the other hand, Pakistan can engage the EU Council seeking actions against India over EU Disinfo report. Pakistan can also seek investigations through political-diplomatic engagements into state /INGO jurisdictions from where fake news networks are operating. Pakistan can also plead for screening of HR organizations and inquiry through UNHRC.