Friday July 26, 2024

British Kashmiris condemn Indian aggression, threaten anti-Modi protests

LONDON: British Kashmiris have announced that they will hold large scale protests against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he visits the United Kingdom in about three weeks on an official visit.Hundreds of Kashmiris gathered outside the Indian High Commission on Sunday to protest the killings of Kashmiris by Indian

By our correspondents
October 26, 2015
LONDON: British Kashmiris have announced that they will hold large scale protests against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he visits the United Kingdom in about three weeks on an official visit.
Hundreds of Kashmiris gathered outside the Indian High Commission on Sunday to protest the killings of Kashmiris by Indian occupation forces and to observe as the ‘Black Day’ the start of illegal occupation of Kashmir by Indian forces on October 27, 1947. On this day Indian forces invaded Kashmir in violation of the partition plan of the subcontinent and since then Indian occupation forces have killed over 100,000 innocent Kashmiris and turned the valley into one of the most militarised zones in the world.
The protest was organised by a coalition of Kashmiri and human rights groups. Those who attended the protest came from Birmingham, Manchester, Bradford, Milton Keyns and London. More than a dozen Kashmiri councillors were also part of the protest. The protestors were carrying banners and posters which read “Kashmiris ask UN to implement its resolution on Kashmir”, “Modi go back”, “Kashmir is not part of India”, “Kashmiris want freedom”, “Modi is a terrorist”, “Modi is a killer”, Indian forces out out”, “Don’t let Modi come to the UK”. Dal Khalsa activists were also part of the protest carrying a large banner which read “India out of Khalistan”. For three hours the protestors chanted slogans against the occupation of Kashmir and called on the United Nations to force India for the implementation of UN resolutions on Kashmir. Kashmiri leader and PTI’s Greater London leader Chaudhry Dilpazir urged the UN and international community to take steps for the implementation of the Security Council’s resolutions on Kashmir.
Councillor Mariam Khan said: “As a British Kashmir it’s my duty to be a voice for the voiceless Kashmiris. Indian PM Narendra Modi is visiting the UK and as a British Muslim I am told by our PM David Cameron to stand up against terrorism and take more responsibility for terrorists acts so I am standing up against the terrorist acts of Indian PM Modi as well someone who is responsible for oppressing Kashmiris and killing innocent Muslims, Sikhs and Dalits. He should not be welcome here.”
Majed Chaudhry said that the world powers, including United States, Great Britain and France were sponsors of the resolution No 47 which was adopted by the Security Council on 21st April 1948 and which was based on that unchallenged principle. “These are not the Security Council resolutions on Kashmir in the routine sense of the term. Their provisions were negotiated in detail by the United Nations with India and Pakistan and it was only after the consent of both Governments was explicitly obtained that they were endorsed by the Security Council. They thus constitute a binding and solemn international agreement about the settlement of the Kashmir dispute.”
The speakers on this occasion included Muhammad Ghalid, Professor Zafar Khan, Tariq Dar, Professor Nazir Shawl, Kashmir Freedom Movement’s Nazir Qureshi, Saeed Bhatti and several others. Those who led organisation of the protest included Chaudhry Dilpazir, Fahim Kayani, Majed Chaudhry and Tariq Mehmood. The speakers said that Indian army was involved in gross human rights violation across the occupied region and was acting with impunity. They said that on the border areas Indian soldiers were breaking international law by launching unprovoked attacks.