and uncertain government tenures.
There is not one but many Pakistans in Pakistan. Elite Pakistan, working class Pakistan, educated Pakistan, illiterate Pakistan, ruling class Pakistan, ruled Pakistan, irrelevant Pakistan, poor Pakistan, rich Pakistan and the list goes on and on. Not to discount or speak against any sense of unity we do have, such as the one when we win the cricket match. The question remains where does one even start to fix the problems faced by Pakistan and Pakistanis as a whole?
What future can we promise all Pakistanis not on the basis of where they come from or what family they were born in? What future can we promise them which will give them the ability to reach their fullest potential and fulfill their own dreams?
So that is perhaps one of the end goals. But how do we even begin to get there? Starting small is the key. Small goals for ourselves on the path to larger more substantive goals. We must all accept that we can’t end load shedding in one day. We can’t redistribute wealth in one day. We can’t fix education and healthcare in one day. We can’t do all of this even in one government’s term. You can’t undo 68 years worth of bad decisions and ill planning in one day. Not to say that redeeming things didn’t happen during the 68 years but the bigger picture has been unfortunately gloomy.
We need to have areas of focus and national benchmarks that all governments must look towards. Education, health, economy, security and growth goals can help us reach workable benchmarks. If I were in Nawaz Sharif’s shoes I would set realistic targets that would impact the country not necessarily in the short terms but also in the long terms. Of course one can continue making the bigger projects that sell well to the voters. However, metro’s shouldn’t come at the expense of longer more strategic planning and delivery.
With a little less than three years to go Prime Minister, will we see evolution in governance under your reign or will we continue to see a hotchpotch of policies and projects, often self-conflicting. Will we see you taking the lead from the front or will we see a maintenance of the status quo where survival will be the only priority. Mr. Prime Minister I leave it to you.
The writer is a columnist and General Manager Innovation and Strategy for Jang Media Group. He can be reached on Facebook Twitter @am_nawazish and email