Monday October 21, 2024

A wise decision

By Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani
August 23, 2019

Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved an extension in the tenure of present Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa for a period of three more years.The wise decision has been taken in the context of ongoing regional security situation.

Last year, on the occasion of World Peace Day, my column (September 21, 2018) elaborated on the effectiveness of the Bajwa Doctrine for our national security and regional stability. In my column, I also highlighted a report by a renowned British security think tank, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). The report quoted leading American generals and officers acknowledging positive role of our brave armed forces under the supreme command of Gen Bajwa.

The Bajwa Doctrine emerged at that critical time when bilateral relations between Pakistan and the US were very tense. Moreover, at least three international doctrines were actively targeting Pakistan. First, there was the Cold Start Doctrine by India which aimed to keep Pakistan's armed forces engaged at the eastern border. That's why, more than 80 percent of Indian armed forces were deployed at Pakistani border. The recent tension in Occupied Kashmir and aggressive behaviour by the Indian leadership could also be considered part of this military doctrine.

The second most important doctrine was the Af-Pak doctrine introduced by the Obama administration. According to this, a joint policy is required for handling the entire region of Afghanistan and Pakistan as a single unit in the 'war on terror'. However, critics alleged that it actually aimed to move the war ground from Afghanistan to Pakistan gradually. Sectarian violence, extremism, suicide bombings and guerrilla attacks at that time were directly linked with Afghan elements. Some tweets by US President Trump, during his initial tenure, also showed his commitment to keep following this Af-Pak Doctrine.

Another most dangerous doctrine, known as the Fifth Generation Warfare is allegedly adopted by many enemies of Pakistan. The purpose of this harmful doctrine was to destabilize Pakistan by targeting its ideology. However, DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor has warned the Pakistani nation about its hazards and potential risks. No doubt, some anti-state elements want to create misunderstandings among different segments of society, to confuse people with propaganda in the shape of fake news, and to promote sectarianism and separatism. The maligning of national institutions obviously leads towards anarchy, unrest, violence, and bad governance.

In such critical circumstances, the Bajwa Doctrine successfully confronted all conspiracies. Operation Raddul Fasaad has played a key role to curb the remnants of terrorism across the country.

In order to raise the morale of Pakistani soldiers, the army chief offered Eid prayers with them at the LOC. Keeping the economic crisis of the country in view, the COAS refused the annual increment in the defence budget. The COAS and his core team also accompanied Prime Minister Imran Khan during his recent historical visit to the US and presented Pakistan's stance in a brilliant way. He demonstrated that our political and military leaderships are on one page for the sake of national security and prosperity.

It is in fact a landmark achievement of the Bajwa Doctrine that the US, once known for demanding "Do More" is now seeking Pakistan's cooperation regarding Afghanistan. Despite all the smart Indian moves, the Kashmir issue has come under discussion in United Nation Security Council. Today, our patriotic Pakistani youth is successfully confronting fifth generation warfare propaganda on social media. Similarly, the US government is no more using 'Af-Pak' as a term. China has also welcomed Gen Bajwa’s extension, acknowledging his positive role in strengthening bilateral ties and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project.

At the moment, the entire nation is appreciating the wise decision by the prime minister.

The writer is a member of the NationalAssembly and patron-in-chief of the

Pakistan Hindu Council.

Twitter: @RVankwani