SUKKUR: The FIA Sukkur summoned SEPCO officials on Wednesday in connection with the probe into Rs503 million scam. Those summoned for investigations include Acting Revenue Officer Mushtaq Ahmed Memon and Billing Supervisor Muhammed Ayoub Shaikh. The FIA had raided the SEPCO Revenue Office, Khairpur, on September 6, and took into custody billing and revenue record of five years from 2012 to 2018 for investigations. The FIA is also consulting the SEPCO’s retired officers and technical experts for assistance in the investigations.
Meanwhile, Taj Muhammed Makka has been posted as Executive Engineer, SEPCO Operation Division, Khairpur, and Syed Taqi Shah, SDO Khairpur, Sub-division. The department also suspended SDO Sub-Division, Khairpur, Nisar Shaikh.
Meanwhile, a woman was killed, another was kidnapped in a tribal clash in Khairpur on Monday. The clash between two groups of Dasti clan over a family dispute claimed the life of Khanzadi and left Rashida and Sahab Khatoon injured in village Datto Dasti in the jurisdictions of Thari Mirwah Police Station.
According to police, Liquat Ali Dasti has lodged a complaint that several people of the rival group, including Haji Khan, Ghous Bakhash, attacked his house and kidnapped Rukhsana and injured three women on resistance. Of the three, Khanzadi later died.
Meanwhile, five people were killed in different accidents on Monday. Two women Hatima and Ghanaish drowned in Phuleli Canal near Housri, while a boy Atif Brohi drowned in a pond in Madaiji. A motorcyclist, Iqbal Arain, was killed on Tando Adam Road following a collision with a car.
In another accident, one motorcyclist Hanif Mirbahar was killed, while two Munawar and Aziz were rescued when their motorbikes fell into the KDA Canal. Reportedly, the motorcyclists were racing when they fell into the canal.
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