To recognise and certify the competence of skilled workers in the informal economy, the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NVTTC) has launched the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programme.
Under the initiative, the skilled workers, who have learned various skills informally mainly through Ustad-Shagird system, undergo a competency-based assessment and upon successful test are issued national certificates.
With the support of TVET (technical and vocational education training) Reform Support Programme, the RPL is part of the Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBT&A) Programme being run under the selected vocational trades across the country to bring a paradigm shift in the delivery of technical and vocational education and training.
"The CBT Programmes are designed and delivered by adopting a systematic approach, focusing on better employability of the trainees with strong market linkages," said executive director NAVTTC Zulfiqar Ahmad Cheema while briefing the media about the initiative.
“This approach enables the skilled workers to get their skills recognized; subsequently leading them to have access to better job opportunities and advanced education,” he said. Mr Cheema said the process would not only help the commission examine the evidence of past learning and experience but also enhance national and international acceptance of the country's certified skilled workforce from informal sector.
"We aim to provide opportunities to our informal skilled workforce to achieve possible career progression and secure jobs at international market with ease," he said. He said the NAVTTC had planned to carry out assessment of around 300 skilled workers across the country in different trades during this pilot phase. "Until now, 65 skilled workers have been qualified in mason and auto mechanic trades according to National Vocational Qualifications Framework," he said.
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