

By S. K
Fri, 10, 20

And it never makes me ignore the ones around me...It opens my heart to every secret of the world...


By Laiba Muhammad Aamir

Feeling all the good and bad around me

And all the happy and sad

Sensing the beauty in the nature

And the wonders in the universe

Laughing in every joyous moment

And crying over every tragedy

I am as sensitive as I should be

I am as human as I am meant to be

My sensitivity keeps me alive

And signifies the life within me

Giving me identity by defining me

It is not the sign of my weakness and fragility

As it shows my strength and bravery

It tells me how love feels like

And lets me love

It tells me how disrespect feels like

And never lets me disrespect a single soul

It tells me how ignorance feels like

And it never makes me ignore the ones around me

It opens my heart to every secret of the world

Making me grateful for every breath I take

My sensitivity makes me human

By giving me a golden heart

That can feel and see and hear

And dear, it is so rare.

Move on

By Mah Noor

Even when the life is still

You have to move on

The suffering that is stuck

You should not hold on

When life gets boring

Move on

Love that stops you

Hate that breaks you

Care that shapes you

Betrayal that strikes you

Life that sucks you

But at the end

We all have to

Move on

Words like bombs

Killing your soul

Forcing you to stop

Making you fool

But when the world hits

You’ll learn to

Move on

Gems from As you like it, by You-Know-Who

Thus must I from the smoke into the smother,

From tyrant duke unto a tyrant brother

(Orlando, Act 1 Scene 2)

O, how full of briars is this working-day world!

(Rosalind, Act 1 Scene 3)

Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold.

(Rosalind, Act 1 Scene 3)

We that are true lovers run into strange capers.

(Touchstone, Act 2 Scene 4)

Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak.

(Rosalind, Act 3 Scene 2)

I pray you do not fall in love with me,

For I am falser than vows made in wine.

(Rosalind, Act 3 Scene 5)


By Ali Asghar Ghani

Cloud makes sky

cry and weep,

dark and sad

like a piercing, black thought

Compiled by SK