I really appreciated the selection of summer movies covering various genres, from thrilling action in UmroAyyar to romantic comedies like Family Affair...
Dear Editor,
I thoroughly enjoyed the recent article ‘Sun, fun, and flicks’ by Fatima Zakir (28 June issue). I really appreciated the selection of summer movies covering various genres, from thrilling action in UmroAyyar to romantic comedies like Family Affair. The best part of this article was the inclusion of both local and international films to enjoy this season.
However, I felt that the article could have delved a bit deeper into the technical and cinematography aspects of the films. For instance, insights into the directors' choices, visual aesthetics, and special effects would provide a richer perspective. Additionally, some acknowledgment of the actors' performances would enrich readers' understanding of these movies.
Overall, the issue was engaging and informative, especially for people like me who are looking for current movie recommendations.
Wareesha Farooqui, Karachi
Upcoming floods
Dear Editor,
According to the National Disaster Management Authority, the country is expected to experience 40 to 60 percent more rainfall than usual during the monsoon season, which may melt glaciers and further impact the weather system.
The expected floods may begin in July or August, submerging northern Punjab and impacting its eastern waterways, including the Ravi, Jhelum, and Chenab rivers. The disastrous floods are expected to move towards northeastern regions due to forecasted glacial lake outbursts.
Although the floods are expected to be less hazardous than those of 2010 and 2022, they will still pose a significant threat. Pakistan's population and economy are in dire need of preparedness for the upcoming floods. The government should launch campaigns and provide awareness programs to the masses as well as shelters, food, and other necessary products to meet the critical needs of those affected.
Ayesha Basher, Turbat
Lubna Khalid
Sameen Amer
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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1800