Money Matters

Career challenges

By Manzar Bashir
Sun, 09, 21

People normally spend up to 50 years in some kind of employment and need to understand if work is to be satisfying & fulfilling as well as being worthwhile. The modern psychological perspective explored in detail by leading experts Plomin (1994) and Bronfenbrenner (1979) help to foster a new understanding of human behavior & traits. The more we can understand our personality, behavior, and preferences, the more their needs are likely to be met.

Career challenges

People normally spend up to 50 years in some kind of employment and need to understand if work is to be satisfying & fulfilling as well as being worthwhile. The modern psychological perspective explored in detail by leading experts Plomin (1994) and Bronfenbrenner (1979) help to foster a new understanding of human behavior & traits. The more we can understand our personality, behavior, and preferences, the more their needs are likely to be met.

Work-life and career challenges can stumble into our lives anytime, and are often uninvited. It’s crucial to be aware of your personality traits to be able to better deal with such challenges. We need to have a mechanism to identify the things that we excel at and work to improve those in our performance and identify the things that we struggle with.

The study of career success characterizes one perspective through which to assess the relationship between positive experiences and careers. A valuable distinction can be made between objective and subjective career success.

In this context, objective success refers to things such as pay, benefits, and hierarchical status, whereas subjective success refers to an individual’s evaluation of their career, and it is the latter that is of most interest here. One interesting finding to arise in this field suggests that rather than happiness being a result of career success, the reverse may be true.

If you know your personality traits, it can help to build trust with friends, customers, managers, and employees.

This can also help identify why certain people respond well to certain types of personalities and traits. You have to understand yourself to have a strong chance of doing what you need to do and become the best person you can be.

It’s useful to understand psychology and how it applies to your career. It’s important to understand the relationship between your past career choices and your current ones so you can make the right choices for yourself in the future. Understanding the relationship between your current work and your past work can be beneficial.

You should always pay attention to the work that you like and to the people that you want to work with. A reliable and research-backed personality test can help you go a long way. Knowing what you want to do makes it much easier to identify people with the right skills for you to work with. It’s important to be able to investigate the career options that are available to you and to find the best possible match for you.

When you’re first starting, it’s important to get your head around how your personality can benefit your career. Depending on which industries you want to work in, you might have to change your personality a bit to match that industry type. The more you understand how your personality can benefit your career, the better your chances of successfully building a career that aligns with it.

A career can be a lot of fun, but it can also be very challenging and stressful. It’s important to figure out what type of career you do want and to figure out how you plan to achieve that. For example, if you’re an artist, it might be best to figure out how you want to finance your career so that you can work when you want to.

We all have different personalities and it’s important to use that to our best advantage while you’re building your career. You should be open and honest with yourself about what talents you do have.

You may feel like you’re not the best at something, but you could be the best at it. Again, a reliable personality test and career test can help you go a long way by identifying your personality strengths and development areas as well as career choices.

Career tests and coaching are a good way for you to learn more and improve your skills. If you’re looking for career tests and career coaching, it can be helpful to have an expert to talk to about what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, and how you’re making progress.

Most popular career tests are based on John Holland’s six career themes of Realistic, Artistic, Investigative, Social, and Enterprising & Conventional. Vocational interests are a well-established focus for career counseling and continue to be taken seriously as a topic of study (e.g. Dik & Hansen, 2008; Savickas & Spokane, 1999; Silvia, 2006).

Interest inventories have advantages over other kinds of assessment tools (such as cognitive ability, personality, or learning styles) as they relate so directly to occupational choice.

Two of the most widely used interest inventories are the Strong Interest Inventory (measures 6 career themes) and the Career Interest Inventory (measures 12 career themes.

Remember career search or development is not an event, it is an ongoing process and you should try to make a well-informed and rational decision considering different inputs including your personality, scope of career, and chances of success.

The writer is a business psychologist