Friday July 26, 2024

PTI, PDM responsible for economic crash: Siraj

By Our Correspondent
September 18, 2022

LAHORE : Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Siraj-ul-Haq said both PTI and PDM governments are responsible for the systematic destruction of national economy due to western slavery and bad governance that resulted in pushing Pakistan rupee as the cheapest currency in the region, and causing allied damages like record-breaking poverty, unemployment and lawlessness.

PDM protested against inflation in the past but continued the PTI policies after coming to power and ended up oppressing the people worse than the PTI, he said while addressing a meeting of party office bearers and affiliated social welfare bodies to review the relief work for the flood affectees. Profiteering by capitalists and corruption have devastated the economy, adding that ruling political parties are acting like club of landlords, the common man has no expectation of good from these landlords and oppressive capitalists.

Real change, he said, will come only from the Islamic system; the country was achieved in the name of Islam. Islam is the guarantor of its development and prosperity. The ruling parties pursuing the agenda of fighting and dividing the nation. They are playing a dangerous game even knowing the delicacy of the situation. The rulers continued to fight for mutual interests even during the devastating floods.

Bring back personal assets and looted wealth from ruling offshore companies and overseas banks. Under an agenda, the people were completely enslaved by the IMF. The colonial powers implement the decisions of Pakistan through their agents in the country. The nation should raise its voice for its rights, it became necessary for every patriotic citizen to struggle to get rid of mafias.

Siraj-ul-Haq said that PTI left no stone unturned to destroy every sector in four years, so the current government of PDM and PPP is also a continuation of the previous policies. The politics of the ruling parties depend on the support of the establishment, all fighting for the milk feeder. The people who held rallies and rallies against inflation raised the prices of basic necessities more than a hundred times within a few months.

Today, flour, sugar, ghee, pulses, vegetables, medicines, petrol, electricity and gas are beyond the reach of the man in white. Millions of educated youth are unemployed in the country, poverty is dancing from house to house due to loss of sources of income. It appears that the overall system of the country is running on an ad hoc basis. He said that the rulers should not test the people any more, if the ruling class cannot give relief to the people, then they should go home.

Siraj said that millions of residents of Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and South Punjab have been affected by floods, millions of acres of agricultural land, cities, villages have turned into water pools. Millions of cattle were swept away, with federal and provincial governments showing laxity in helping the victims. People are complaining about non-transparent distribution of government aid.

On one hand, half of the population is suffering due to floods and on the other hand, millions of people are facing the scourges of inflation, unemployment and load shedding. The rulers destroyed the resource-rich country. Government policies are limited to borrowing. The current and previous governments together brought Pakistan to this direction. Martial law regimes and so-called democratic periods failed to deliver.

Ameer Jamaat said that the only way to improve is the Islamic system. The aim of Jamaat-e-Islami's politics and struggle is to give the country the system of Quran and Sunnah. We will take the war against profiteering to the final stage. The workers of Jamaat-e-Islami should speed up their struggle and convey the message of Quran and Sunnah from house to house so that the way of peaceful Islamic revolution in the country is paved. He said that Jamaat-e-Islami is the only party that has the ability to take Pakistan out of crisis, let the nation support us.

Secretary General Ameerul Azim and Information Secretary Qaiser Sharif were also present on this occasion.