Friday July 26, 2024

ECP verdict proves Imran Khan biggest thief of Pakistan: Nawaz Sharif

By Murtaza Ali Shah
August 03, 2022

LONDON: Former prime minister and PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif has urged the federal government to take “immediate legal action” against PTI Chairman Imran Khan following the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) verdict confirming that the PTI received prohibited foreign funding and broke several laws of the country. Speaking to Pakistani media outside his temporary London office, the former PM said the verdict of the ECP has come after eight years of delay but it proves beyond any doubt that Imran Khan is dishonest to the core and has committed the biggest acts of money-laundering and fraud in the history of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif further said: “It has been proven today and the entire nation knows now that Imran Khan is the biggest thief in the his tory of Pakistan.” Nawaz Sharif spoke after the ECP said the PTI party had only owned eight ac counts before the commission and declared 13 ac counts to be unknown and submitted fake affidavits. Nawaz Sharif said that PTI Chairperson Imran Khan wanted to remove Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja from his post because he was "aware of the money laundering case against him". “Khan knew that he had com mitted the biggest money laundering (in the country's history). This is the reason he kept demanding the chief election commissioner’s resignation,” said Nawaz Sharif , adding that "he took funds from the foreign nationals and is trying to implement foreign agenda on the nation." "Today, the biggest theft in history and biggest money laundering case has been proven. Imran Khan knew that this verdict would prove his foreign funding," he added. Nawaz Sharif said that Imran used to give “lectures” to Pakistanis about piety and honesty but the facts spoke otherwise. “Today, the ECP’s verdict has shown that it is actually him who is the biggest thief in history. He knew that he had committed the biggest money laundering. This is the reason he kept demanding the chief election commissioner’s resignation,” he said. “The way Imran took money from foreign nationals proves that he was the person who brought foreign agenda into the country,” Nawaz Sharif claimed. He re called that the PML-N had been leading the country to wards progress, regretting that all the efforts went in vain because of Imran’s actions