Friday July 26, 2024

Two victims of police torture await justice

By Arshad Dogar
June 03, 2022

LAHORE:Lahore police bosses have yet to take action against four cops who had subjected two young men including a government employee, to severe torture despite the allegations have been proved in the medical report.

One of the victims named Awais has lost hearing ability in his left ear. The daring cops have threatened him at the offices of CCPO and SDPO Township to damage his right ear as well if he didn’t withdraw application against them. The other victim Sheraz, who is a government employee, told The News that over a month has passed of the incident and he has become a shuttlecock to knock the doors of officers for justice but no action is being taken so far. Giving details of the incident, he told this scribe that he was on his way on a bike No. LEP-3442 along with his cousin Awais on April 26, 2022 late at night to purchase medicine when four cops riding on two bikes intercepted them for checking.

The cops identified as constables Farooq, Muzaffar, Arshad and Irfan checked documents of bike. As nothing wrong was proved, the cops allegedly demanded bribe. On refusal, they started beating them up badly. They took them to police station. The victims made a call at Rescue 15 and later told real story to SHO but no action was taken against accused cops. The policemen once again started beating them with kicks and punches. It resulted into injuries on shoulders, ribs, jaw and ear. The accused cops in order to save their skin implicated them in an FIR No 1427/22 under 25/D Telegraph Act, 506 and 186 of PPC against both victims and put them behind bars.

Next day, the victims secured bails and got orders from local magistrate for medical examination. The ENT report recommended section 336 (for itlaf-i-salahiyyat-i-udw) of PPC in the medico-legal report of victim Awais which is a cognizable offence for the registration of FIR and arrest of accused persons. Doctors have also recommended sections 337A1 and 337F1 in the medical report of Awais while 337F1 and 337L2 have been recommended in the medical report of Sheraz over other injuries. The victim Sheraz said he is an orphan and was working hard to earn livelihood for his siblings and mother. He said he was never involved in any illegal act but police have ruined his respectful life and shattered his belief in justice. He said he had also appeared before CCPO Lahore and he had marked inquiry to SSP IAB. The accused cops also appeared there and hurled life threats again in the premises of CCPO office. He had made a call at IG’s complaint Cell 1787, he received call from local SDPO. The cops appeared there and threatened to damage his other ear as well. He appealed to IG Punjab and CCPO Lahore for immediate action against accused cops and discharge fake case registered against them. The staff of SSP IAB said inquiry report was forwarded to SSP Operations for action against cops as per law. Efforts were made to get the version of SP Sadar Division Hassan Javed Bhatti but he did not respond to call and messages.