Monday June 03, 2024

Solidarity expressed with Kashmiris in KP

By Bureau report
October 28, 2021

PESHAWAR: A number of functions were arranged in various parts of KP on Wednesday as the province observed Kashmir Black Day to condemn the Indian atrocities against innocent Kashmiris and express solidarity with the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Chief Minister Mahmood Khan led a rally in the provincial metropolis which culminated at the Governor’s House. Provincial cabinet members Shaukat Yousafzai, Taimur Saleem Jhagra, Fazal Shakoor Khan, Arif Ahmadzai, political figures from occupied Kashmir, government officials and civil society members attended the rally. Participants were carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans against the barbarism and Indian oppression in the occupied valley.

While talking to media persons, the chief minister said that 27th October 1947 was one of the darkest days of human history which marked the beginning of Indian forces brutalities and atrocities in Jammu and Kashmir. He said the Kashmiri people have been victims of Indian state terrorism for the last seven decades.

Mahmood khan said the Pakistani government and people fully support Kashmiris freedom struggle and would continue its moral and diplomatic support at every front. He called upon the United Nations and other human rights organizations to take notice of Indian atrocities on innocent Kashmiris.

Mahmood Khan said the Kashmiri people must be given the right to live as they wish, adding that the Pakistan government and people stand by the Kashmiri brothers. The Khyber Pakhtun-khwa Culture and Tourism Authority (KPCTA) marked the day here at the Nishtar Hall.

The KPCTA arranged a photo exhibition displaying pictures of innocent Kashmiri women and children killed and maimed by the Indian forces in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Besides KPCTA Director Yousaf Ali, General Manager Tourism Sajjad Hameed and others, a large number of students of various educational institutions attended the event.

TIMERGARA: The district administration in Lower Dir with the collaboration of the Education Department arranged a programme. Additional Deputy Commissioner (G) Abdul Wali Khan was the chief guest.

WANA: People staged rallies in the South Waziristan tribal district to observe the black day. The rallies were held in Kaniguram, Wana, and the deputy commissioner’s compound, wherein the tribal elders appealed to the United Nations to take notice of the atrocities of the Indian army on Kashmiri people.

MANSEHRA: Deputy Commissioner Qasim Ali Khan led a rally from the Tehsil Municipal administration office in Mansehra.

In Lower Kohistan, Deputy Commissioner Saiful Islam led a rally. The protesters raised slogans in support of the Kashmiris and against the Indian occupation. In Upper Kohistan, Additional Deputy Commissioner Zakir Hussain led the rally. Functions were also arranged in Peshawar and other parts of KP to mark the day. These were well-attended by the government officials and common people.