nation. This can be done despite the PTI’s legitimate concerns on incidents of rigging in some constituencies of Karachi and Lahore. The PTI has a right to demand a vote recount in a couple of polling stations in Lahore and re-polling in Karachi. The PML-N has a comfortable majority and it should not feel threatened by a probe that serves to improve the democratic practice in the country. If the PTI and the PML-N can do this while respecting each other’s mandate, this will be another achievement.
On foreign policy, both the PTI and the PML-N converge on the need to expand Pakistan’s relations with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey, in addition to the US. But there are some concerns about how the new government will deal with India and the CIA’s drone programme.
Mr Sharif’s party is so far showing statesmanship in its post-victory statements and actions. Mr Sharif should avoid unnecessary clashes with the military that marred his government’s record in the 1990s.
Our military is an integral pillar of the Pakistani state. Our political system should formally accommodate the military’s input in national security issues, and for this we should be open to various mechanisms to achieve this. We can find a way to do this without the need to quote textbook examples from other countries. Our system should reflect and absorb our requirements and dynamics. This is a perquisite for uninterrupted democracy.
On India, to invite senior Indian officials to Mr Sharif’s expected swearing-in ceremony may not be a good idea after a year in which India has demonstrated petty anti-Pakistanism at the levels of the Indian government, military and media. The recent decision by New Delhi to drop security protection for Pakistani visitors to a religious shrine is indicative of immature strains in India’s Pakistan policy. We need to show that, while we remain interested in peaceful relations, Pakistanis do not accept this pettiness from a country that wants to position itself as a major regional power.
That message will be lost if Mr Sharif extends unwarranted diplomatic concessions to India at this stage.The CIA and its drone programme face unprecedented pressures and are under attack inside and outside the US. If the PML-N can muster the guts and the PTI supports it in the larger interest, Islamabad can find a way to end illegal American violation of Pakistani airspace and the wanton murder of our citizens in border regions, all without worrying too much about jeopardising our relations with Washington any more than they already are.
The PML-N and the PTI can make political history while in power. The keyword for Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif now should be: convergence.
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