Sunday June 16, 2024

Mechanism to increase population of Ladakh Urial evolved

By Our Correspondent
March 21, 2021

Islamabad: The climate change ministry has developed a mechanism to initiate natural breeding of endangered Ladakh Urial in a mountain island in the Skardu region.

According to the official data, it is first experiment of its kind in the world and the ministry is hopeful that they would introduce a new mechanism to international world to increase population of Ladakh Urial.

The data showed that three female Ladakh Urial were spotted in mountain island Khorpocho in the recent past after which the ministry conducted a survey in the area with the help of the local community.

The survey showed that there were around 150 Ladakh Urial in the Gilgit-Baltistan and their population was likely to decrease due to various reasons.

The data revealed that the ministry has decided to shift a male Ladakh Urial for natural breeding in the mountain island that is surrounded by the Indus River.

The natural habitat of Ladakh Urial falls in the vicinity of the world’s highest Nanga Parbat National Park and Himalaya National Park measuring 4,000 square kilometre that is five percent of total area of Gilgit-Baltistan.