Friday July 26, 2024

Not to spare those who disgraced religion at Aurat March: Ashrafi

By Our Correspondent
March 10, 2021

MULTAN: Those who brought disgrace to religion by raising anti-religion slogans and displaying objectionable placards at the Aurat march would not be spared and action would be taken against them under the law.

This warning was issued by Special Representative to Prime Minister on Religious Harmony Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi while addressing a press conference here on Tuesday. He said freedom of speech was not meant to insult the religious beliefs. Such people wanted anarchy in the country and nothing else, he added. “What happened at the Aurat march does not happen even in Europe,” he said.

Ashrafi said Islam has given women rights more than any other religion. He said a fatwa had already been issued that whoever marries a minor girl would be punished according to the law.

Hafiz Ashrafi said resolution of issues of mosques and madrasas was top priority of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan had directed him to visit ulema in different parts of the country to listen to their grievances and help address those at the earliest. Solving problems of Multan mosques and madrasas was the first priority, he added.

The PM’s special representative said now madrasas would be registered with the Ministry of Education. Ashrafi said the prime goal of the government initiatives was to promote the message of peace. It is a responsibility of the state to protect the rights of minorities living in the country, he said.

The PM’s representative admitted that “inflation is a big problem”. He said the sacred month of Ramazan was arriving and the government would have to take special measures to control price-hike. He said he had told traders not to raise prices during the holy month of Ramazan.

Tahir Ashrafi said talks were under way with all concerned regarding Prahladpuri temple in Multan. A decision was being made about the temple which would resolve the issue amicably, he added. The Pakistan’s laws were clear about the rights of minorities, he added.