Sunday June 16, 2024

Senate chairman accepts resignation of Sitara Ayaz

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
February 16, 2021

ISLAMABAD: The Awami National Party (ANP) has been eliminated from the upper house of parliament -- one month before the completion of its member’s tenure. The chairman Senate accepted the resignation of ANP member Sitara Ayaz on Monday that was submitted last week. Sitara Ayaz, who is running a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Swabi, was earlier ousted from the ANP.

Sources told The News that Sitara Ayaz has decided to switch over to the Balochistan Awami Party. Sitara Ayaz has become a candidate of the BAP from Balochistan now. She is the first sitting senator who opted to quit the seat of her original province to become the member of Senate from another province. She has been assured by the BAP that it will get her elected from the province as the party has a strong majority in the provincial assembly.