Friday July 26, 2024

Sirajul Haq fears govt’s ouster over poor governance

By Our Correspondent
July 11, 2020

LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Senator Sirajul Haq Friday opined that the PTI government could not seem to be surviving for more than four or five months as bad governance had reached the level that even the PTI ministers and advisers were declaring their government complete failure.

The most unfortunate of all PTI policies was that it had been victimising opponents, damaging the democratic institutions and destroying the already fragile economy instead of working to improve the masses lot as per its electoral promises, despite that it had been enjoying full backing from the establishment, he alleged in a statement from Mansoora.

The slogan of accountability, he said, became a joke and mafias became so powerful that government was helpless in taking any action against them. “Why the government has not arrested the sugar barons after the completion of the inquiry report?” he questioned, saying that all claims of the PTI to introduce a powerful system of accountability after coming to power proved a pack of lies. The people were desperate and wanted to get rid of these rulers but it seemed that they did not need to launch a movement against the regime as it seemed that the government would itself surrender after few months, he said.

Siraj said that the PML-N had never played a role of strong opposition while some other parties also seemed least concerned about the public issues. He said the government’s Kashmir policy was a failure as it failed to expose India at international fora.

Meanwhile, JI naib ameer Liaqat Baloch said the National Bank of Pakistan administration should restore the employees’ pension on 70 percent formula, obey the court decision. He was talking to a delegation of the bank’s retired employees who called on him Friday.

Liaqat Baloch assured them that the JI was standing with them in their struggle to achieve their rights. He demanded the bank reveal the details of the annual profits it earned through Rs55 bullion long-term investment made from the fund deducted from employees’ salaries. A third party audit of this fund was also demanded.

He said the bank should stop making cut in the medical relief fund for the pensioners, adding the employees’ widows should be provided benevolent fund until they were alive.