Friday July 26, 2024

PA demands complete ban on blasphemous books

By Faizan Bangash
June 06, 2020

LAHORE:Punjab Assembly Friday demanded complete ban on three books that were being sold in the markets with objectionable content against Sahaba Karam (RA).

Punjab Assembly Speaker Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, while chairing the 22nd PA session that started on Friday expressed serious dismay over the sale of such books in the markets and remarked that it was really a matter of concern for entire Muslim Ummah.

He raised the question as to why such material was being sold in a country which was achieved in the name of Islam and slogan of La Ilaha Illallah. The Speaker through a directive demanded immediate ban on three books named The First Muslim, After the Prophet and Short History of Islam besides ordering confiscation of all the copies. He ordered the department concerned to present its complete report and notification until next Friday. This is noteworthy that PA had already passed a resolution moved by Provincial Minister Hafiz Ammar Yasir a few months ago against the objectionable content regarding Sahaba Karam (RA) but now the Speaker had strictly taken action on it.

Rana Mashhood of PML-N lauded PA Speaker for raising the voice over this issue. Opposition leader in PA Hamza Shahbaz Sharif, who attended the session after the issuance of Production Order by the Speaker, said that our faith as Muslim remains incomplete unless we express our love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

He said the sale of objectionable content against Sahaba Karam (RA) is a very serious issue and gives rise to the question as to what action had been taken so far against the elements responsible for it. Punjab Assembly also passed a unanimous resolution regarding the victim of May 22 PIA tragedy that claimed nearly 100 lives as well as for those who lost their lives in the battle against Corona. The resolution was moved by Law Minister Raja Basharat and was passed unanimously by the House. The PA members Shaheen Raza and Shaukat Manzoor Cheema have lost their lives at the hands of Corona.

The PA offered Fateha for the crash victims and prayed for courage, strength to the bereaved families to bear this loss with patience. Moreover, the Punjab Assembly also offered Fateha for those who lost their lives at the hands of virus.

Opposition leader in Punjab Assembly Hamza Shahbaz in his address on the occasion said that Covid-19 had taken the entire country in its grip adding it wasn’t a calamity that pertained to merely elite class. He said strict measures needed to be taken but unfortunately it wasn’t done. Hamza said the Opposition leader in National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif returned to the country to fight against Corona but the government on the other hand was busy in fighting against the Opposition.

He added that selective accountability was being done and raid on the residence of the PML-N president was highly condemnable. The Opposition leader, while slamming Federal Minister for Information and Technology Fawad Chaudhry, stated that some people suggested “Virtual PA session” and stated that only remorse could be expressed on the persons with this thought. He praised the PA Speaker for summoning the session.

He said the situation demanded unity as Corona was targeting all of us. Syed Hassan Murtaza, the PPP Punjab Parliamentary leader in his address on the occasion, strongly condemned the NAB raid on the residence of Shahbaz Sharif. He also voiced serious concern over the farmers’ exploitation and said that poor growers were being deprived of their bread and butter whereas Tehsildars and Patwaris were snatching their livelihood. On the completion of agenda, the Speaker adjourned the proceedings until Monday.