Friday July 26, 2024

Zardari's shrinked brain revealed in MRI report: PIMS spokesperson

The medical board headed by Dr Mazhar Badshah carried out a medical check-up of the former president and MRI test was done too

By News Desk
December 10, 2019

RAWALPINDI: A new medical board constituted to physically examine former president Asif Ali Zardari has started its work as MRI test of the PPP leader was carried out the other day. 

According to the PIMS spokesperson, the board headed by Dr Mazhar Badshah carried out a medical check-up of the former president and MRI test was done too.

He said intitial report of the MRI revealed his brain had shrinked. It is because of age or any other disease, this will be learnt later, he said. It may be noted that the medical board was formed on the directions of the Islamabad High Court and the court has sought his medical report on December 11. 

The former president is already suffering from heart problem, sugar and other diseases.