Thursday May 02, 2024

Oxford invites Ali Siddiqui to address

November 15, 2019

UNITED KINGDOM: Oxford University hosted a discussion on Pakistan’s relationship with the United States and its investment potential with Ambassador Ali J. Siddiqui, Pakistan’s Ambassador At-Large for Foreign Investment and former Ambassador to the United States.

According to a press release the event hosted with Ambassador Siddiqui is a part of a series of talks designed to build cross-cultural dialogue and awareness by the Oxford South Asian Society. Previous talks from this series have hosted Rt. Hon. KP Sharma Oli - Prime Minister of Nepal and General Nasser Khan Janjua - former National Security Adviser of Pakistan among other notable leaders.

Speaking to an audience of students, professors and guests; Ambassador Siddiqui shared his personal experience and insights of serving in two key positions within the Pakistan government. He shed light on his role as the Ambassador to the United States during an especially precarious period that followed President Trump’s New Year tweet against Pakistan, and the diplomatic efforts that eventually opened doors to a better mutual relationship. The moderator acknowledged that many foreign policy experts have recognized Ambassador Siddiqui’s role in bringing Islamabad and (Washington) DC closer in an exceptionally short period of time.