Tuesday October 22, 2024

Bureaucracy, politics, media riddled with mafias: PM Imran Khan

Bureaucracy, politics and media riddled with mafias: Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that he wanted to develop Pakistan on the principles of State of Madina but it seemed that he could not see it happen in his life.

By m saleh zaafir & Mumtaz Alvi & Agencies
November 12, 2019

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that he wanted to develop Pakistan on the principles of State of Madina but it seemed that he could not see it happen in his life but they had started the journey in achieving this very ideal.

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He, reiterating his mission to develop Pakistan as a welfare state on the pattern of the State of Madina, resolved to make educational and social reforms to revive the lost glory of Islam.

Addressing the Rehmatullil Alameen Conference on State of Madina and Concept of Islamic Welfare State in light of the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) here, the prime minister said as course of setting up Madina like state was tough and everyone, including the people and the religious scholars, would have to play their part for that.

The conference held in connection with Eid Mailadun Nabi (PBUH) and was attended by Minister for Religious Affairs Pir Nurul Haq Qadri, Dr Babar Awan, renowned religious scholars from across the country and abroad, besides thousands of people from different cities.

The prime minister said both the individuals and the state would have to opt for the model of Madina State to achieve excellence. It were the same model and principles which had made the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) companions conquer the Roman Empire within a short span of time.

He said the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had enforced an education emergency in his state, which had later produced top scientists for next 700 years.

He said the current education system did not teach the youth about the Islamic history and its golden past, and resolved that his government would introduce educational reforms to make the youngsters follow those role models.

He said the Islamic history was well preserved but it was only narrated during the Friday sermons, and called for research on those principles, which made the Muslims rule for around 1000 years.

The prime minister also advised the Islamic scholars and experts to ponder over the causes of Muslims’ downfall, which had widely been described by Allama Iqbal in his poetry.

He said the State of Madina had built such a character of the Muslims, which had impressed the non-Muslims making them embrace Islam.

He urged the people to inculcate the habit of truth in their personalities, which he believed, gave the utmost strength. He also advised the people to live a life aimed at public service, not to achieve the personal gains.

The prime minister said even after having conquered the great powers, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and His companions lived a simple life.

He said anyone, who got indulged in money making, could never excel in the life. He said all the great personalities, including the Holy Prophet (PBUH), His companions, great Sufi saints and even non-Muslim leaders like Nelson Mandela had lived their lives for the public cause that was why they were revered and remembered forever.

Prime Minister Imran Khan said justice and merit had always been the core factors behind the success of the Islamic state where everyone was equal before the law.

He said in order to successfully implement the Madina state model, "We have to collectively fight out the corrupt elements in the politics, media and bureaucracy, who had put the country on the verge of bankruptcy making the people suffer".

He said there should be no compassion for the plunderers as in the past such favours in form of National Reconciliation Ordinance (NROs) to the influential people had marred the country. He said that there are mafias in bureaucracy, media and politics and these would have to be defeated through struggle. He said that the people complained that he had no mercy. He said how plunderers of national wealth could be pardoned.

The prime minister said for putting the country on path of progress, the people would have to change themselves, pay taxes and discourage the corrupt practices. He also urged the religious scholars to guide the government in its mission to build Pakistan on the pattern of State of Madina.

He told the gathering that Pakistan, Turkey and Malaysia had decided to produce films on Islamic history to apprise the youth of great historic personalities and their characteristics.

Addressing the conference, Minister for Religious Affairs Pir Nurul Haq Qadri while describing the contours of the Madina State, said the Holy Prophet (PBUH) proved to be a ray of hope in the age of darkness and injustice as he had guaranteed the rights of the women and ensured social justice.

He said the association with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his teachings always made the followers excel in their lives. He said that instead of following any Western model, the prime minister had resolved to develop Pakistan on the pattern of Madina State.

He also appreciated the prime minister for defending the sanctity of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as well as the United Nations.

He urged the religious scholars to guide the government to make the country as had been envisioned by great forefathers including Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Prominent religious scholar from Egypt Dr Abdul Samad said at the time when the people followed the Western models, Prime Minister Imran Khan had resolved to follow the role model of Madina State, which was laudable.

He said the Madina State did not include only a few principles or rituals rather it encompassed all of human rights and freedom, be it were the minorities or women.

Former federal minister Dr Babar Awan said the State of Madina had introduced the best justice and merit system. Appreciating the vision of prime minister, he said who could defeat a person who had announced to implement the role model of State of Madina in his country that had been the best model in the world. He said the establishment of shelter houses and Langar Khanas were the first step by his government towards the Madina State.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Imran Khan tweeted in connection with Eid Miladun Nabi, “Our Prophet (PBUH) founded the State of Madina on modern principles of rule of law, human rights, compassion, meritocracy & the pursuit of knowledge as a sacred duty. If a state follows these principles it will rise”.

“Our Prophet (PBUH) is the greatest human being of all time & hence the ideal role model for all of us. Anyone who follows his path will be liberated from the chains that keep us grounded & prevent us from fulfilling our potential,” the prime minister wrote. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed satisfaction on the improvement in economic conditions and restoration of confidence of the business community.

He claimed that the government is focused on provision of all-out relief to common man. Chairing an important meeting of the government economic team here on Monday, the prime minister said that further strengthening the economic stability and providing facilitation to investors and business community is top priority of the government.

Imran Khan said a special cell is being set up at Ministry of Food Security for integrated planning to gauge demand and supply of essential items and future estimates. The meeting was briefed on economic condition especially the promotion of foreign investment in the country, subsidies for large industrial units, implementation of government decision on duty free export of machinery for hospitals, increasing cooperation between federation and provinces in oil, gas and minerals sector and steps taken to rehabilitate Pakistan Steel Mills.

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Petroleum Nadeem Babar apprised the meeting that twelve new blocks will be put for auction by 15th of next month for exploration and production. The meeting was also informed of the progress on Tajikistan Afghanistan Pakistan Iran gas pipeline and establishment of Parco Costal Refinery.

The meeting expressed satisfaction on stocks and availability of sugar in the country. Adviser on Finance Hafeez Shaikh informed the prime minister on overall situation of the economic and improvement in economic indicators.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has reminded that the development of the construction sector is essential to accelerate the economic growth of the country. He said that the promotion of the construction sector is the government's top priority. The prime minister was chairing a high-level meeting on restoration and promotion of the construction sector in Islamabad on Monday.

The meeting was briefed on the challenges being faced by the construction sector. The prime minister said the promotion of the construction sector is the government's top priority.