Tuesday May 07, 2024

Scam artist

July 23, 2019

This refers to the letter ‘Parking fee’ (July 19) by Syed S Hussain. I agree with the writer’s points. Here I want to add that recently some of my friends and I visited Karachi for work and in the evening, we decided to travel around and do some sight-seeing. After a long walk we were tired and we found an empty space and three chairs to relax on. Unfortunately, we were too tired to notice a man waiting there to scam us. He told us to pay Rs150 per person for sitting there.

Such scam artists like to bother the public and steal our money instead of working and such a pathetic attempt at robbing us was unappreciated. It is my humble request to the concerned authorities to ensure that such miscreants and vagabonds stop loitering around and trying to scam innocent tourists.

Muhammad Bakhtiyar
