Friday July 26, 2024

Highways of death

December 13, 2018

If data collected by independent sources is anything to go by, more people in Balochistan die in highway accidents than suicide blasts. These accidents are, therefore, cause for concern. A large number of highway accidents tend to occur in Kalat. This is primarily because the roads are too narrow and cannot accommodate many vehicles. The relevant authorities must take an initiative to reconstruct this road and ensure their maintenance to avoid any eventualities. However, we must not ignore the fact that drivers also have a tendency to flout traffic regulations and drive rashly. According to some accounts, most drivers don’t think twice before they overtake other vehicles on the highways. Many of them blatantly disregard rules and often end up driving in the wrong direction. Under these circumstances, collisions among vehicles are inevitable. Drivers need to be penalised every now and again so that there are consequences to disregarding traffic rules. This will prevent the number of accidents along the highways in Balochistan.

Irshad Hameed
