Friday July 26, 2024

President calls for inclusion of women in all work spheres

Mamnoon says Pakistan-China Economic Corridor will create opportunities for young professionals to utilise their talents and energies

By our correspondents
May 10, 2015
Women make up more than 55 percent of the population and they should be adorned with knowledge of modern academic disciplines and technologies to fully participate in every profession so they could play their role in nation building.
This was said by President Mamnoon Hussain on Saturday while addressing the convocation of Jinnah University for Women, the first exclusive female varsity of the country.
Emphasising the promotion of quality and modern education for women of the country, the president urged the graduates to excel in their studies and contribute towards the social and economic revolution of the country.
He also stressed the acquisition of technological skills and advancement of research.
The president regretted that a lot more was to be done to promote literacy and quality education in the country since the government was not in a position to allocate the required funds for the cause. He referred to the Pakistan China Economic Corridor (PCEC) and said it was based on a series of mega projects in different sectors which will create a lot of opportunities for young professionals to utilise their talents and energies.
President Mamnoon rejected the impression of any change in the route of PCEC and explained that the government had had to choose from four options. “With the launch of the PCEC, not only the people of all provinces of Pakistan will benefit from it but it will also kick off a new era of economic activities in the entire region,” he said, while advising his listeners to be wary of negative propaganda by certain elements.
On the occasion, the president also highlighted the achievements of the present government and expressed the hope that the country will soon overcome the terrorism and energy-related issues.
He claimed that the Zarb-e-Azb operation had almost achieved its goal and 90 percent areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and FATA had been cleared of terrorism. He said the armed forces and government were determined to fight till the last terrorist in Pakistan was caught or killed.
President Mamnoon said the government was making serious and sincere efforts to address the grievances of the people of Balochistan. He claimed that leaders were in negotiations with the estranged Baloch leaders and were listening to their complaints for resolution of their issues.
Talking about Karachi, the president pledged that the past grandeur of Karachi as the city of lights will be revived and nobody would disrupt peace of the city.
He expressed his sorrow over the killing of Prof Dr Shakeel Auj and Prof Dr Waheed-ur-Rehman of the Karachi University and termed their deaths as a big loss for the nation. He expressed the hope that their assassins will be caught and soon brought to justice.
He urged the students and teachers to join hands for the elimination of corruption from the country.
Later in the event, the president distributed gold medals among high achievers.
Earlier, the chancellor of Jinnah University for Women, Wajihuddin Ahmed, and vice chancellor Dr Naeem Farooqui welcomed the president and apprised him of the varsity’s future endeavours.