Friday July 26, 2024

Strong economy key to robust defense: SVI

By Our Correspondent
October 19, 2018

ISLAMABAD: Strategic Vision Institute (SVI) on Wednesday underscored the importance of strong economy and political harmony for impregnable national defense.

This was stated by the think tank in the recommendations issued at the

end of an international seminar on ‘Nuclear Doctrine and Strategy: Implications of Strategic Stability in South Asia’.

The seminar was held to discuss the strategic environment in the region and the developments that could potentially undermine deterrence equilibrium and strategic stability.

SVI President Dr Zafar Iqbal Cheema in his concluding remarks said that a strong economy was needed for maintenance of stable deterrence.

Without a sound economy, he feared Pakistan would be at a disadvantage in keeping stable deterrence with India. He observed that Indiawas constantly trying to achieve escalation-dominance.

Dr Zafar Khan, assistant professor at National Defense University’s Strategic Studies Department, underlined the importance of deterrence stability between nuclearweapon states and said that Strategic Restraint Regime was in the interest of both sides.

Paul Ingram, executive director British American Security Information Council, stressed upon responsibilities of nuclear weapon states.

He said the responsibilities of nuclear weapons states include working for risk reduction, declaratory policy and assurances, and developing wider nuclear posture with a view to reducing salience of nuclear weapons and strengthening strategic stability, engagement with the public, and commitment to nuclear diplomacy and disarmament.