Friday July 26, 2024

Four more youths killed in IHK

By Agencies
August 09, 2018

HELD SRINAGAR: Four youngsters were martyred in a fresh act of Indian state terrorism in Held Kashmir on Wednesday, taking the death toll to six over the past two days. The youths were martyred during a cordon and search operation jointly launched by the Indian Army’s 32 Rashtriya Rifles and 9-Para Commandos in the upper reaches of Rafiabad area of the Baramulla district, the Kashmir Media Service reported.

Indian forces also used gunship helicopters in the operation. Earlier, an Indian army commando was injured in an attack in the same area. Meanwhile, massive protests erupted after the Indian troops launched a cordon and search operation in the Gudoora area of Pulwama district on Wednesday. The troops used brute force to disperse the protesters, sparking clashes in the vicinity.

Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik and Dukhtaran-e-Millat in their separate statements strongly condemned the secret shifting of Aasiya Andrabi and her two associates from Mandoli to notorious Tihar Jail in New Delhi, without even informing their families and lawyers.

It was on Tuesday that the relatives of Aasiya Andrabi visited the Mandoli jail for a meeting with her, and to their surprise, they were informed that the women leader and her associates were shifted to Tihar Jail.