Friday July 26, 2024

Partly cloudy forecast

By Our Correspondent
March 15, 2018

LAHORE: Partly cloudy weather with a relatively high humidity level was observed in the city here Wednesday while Met office predicted similar weather conditions for the next 24 hours.

Met officials said westerly wave is affecting upper and central parts of the country and likely to persist in northern areas. They predicted that mainly dry weather is expected in most plain areas of the country. More rain-thundershower with gusty winds is expected at isolated places in Malakand, Hazara, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi Divisions, Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

Rainfall was recorded at several cities, including Malam Jabba (68mm), Saidu Sharif (36mm), Kalam (34mm), Balakot and Pattan (29mm), Cherat (24mm), Dir (23mm), Risalpur and Kakul (22mm), Lower Dir (19mm), Peshawar (A/P 15mm, City 12mm), Parachinar and Mirkhani (11mm), Chitral and Kohat (10mm), Drosh (08mm), Bannu (05mm), Astore (36mm), Bagrote (28mm), Chillas (24mm), Gilgit (17mm), Bunji (04mm), Gupis (02mm), Skardu (01mm), Muzaffarabad (24mm), Garhi Dupatta (20mm), Rawalakot (12mm), Kotli (02mm), Kamra (19mm), Murree (12mm), Mianwali (08mm), Rawalpindi (Chaklala 10mm, Shamsabad 07mm), Islamabad (Z.P 07mm, Golra 04mm), Turbat (03mm), Ziarat (01mm). Snowfall was also recorded at Astore (02 inch).

Met officials said Wednesday’s minimum temperature was recorded at Astore where mercury dropped down to -01°C while in Lahore, maximum temperature was 29°C, minimum was 17°C and humidity level was 38 percent.