Saturday July 27, 2024

House gutted in Hangu

By our correspondents
December 11, 2017

HANGU: A house was gutted when it caught fire due to unknown reasons in Shahokhel area on Sunday.

Talking to reporters, Daulat Shah, the owner of house, said that the house caught fire due to unknown reasons at around 4pm. The locals doused the fire after hectic efforts.

However, all valuables in the house including furniture, cash and other belongings reduced to ashes in the inferno. A cow was also burnt to death in the fire, he added.

He said that he was a poor man and had no source of income to reconstruct his house. All his assets had been burnt in the fire, he added.

The victim asked the government and philanthropists to provide him financial assistance so that he could construct his house.

Cache of arms seized: The security forces seized a cache of arms and arrested a suspect in Orakzai Agency on Sunday, official sources said.

Acting on a tip-off, the security forces conducted a raid in Sipah area in Lower Orakzai Agency and seized 11 RPG7, five rocket magazines, a small machinegun, mortar shell, two improvised explosive devices, a pressure cooker and other arms.

The law-enforcers also arrested a suspect whose identity could not be ascertained. The arms and the arrested person were shifted to Kohat where further investigation was underway till the filing of this report.