Friday July 26, 2024

Roots IVIANS come together to celebrate International Day of Peace

By our correspondents
September 23, 2017

Islamabad :Young students of Roots Garden Schools, Roots IVY Schools and Roots DHA1 celebrated ‘International Day of Peace’ to highlight the significance of world peace and harmony by expressing their heartfelt feelings, compassionate ideas and visions of a peaceful world by singing a special peace song by the school choir that sung, "Long live absolute world peace" at a ceremony held in Islamabad.

Students wore beautiful, dove-shaped head gears, glittery white costumes and displayed 3-D colourful placards narrating, ‘Peace is Loving, Peace is Patriotic and Peace begins with a smile’. They presented a special school memento to the Chief Guest Federal Minister for Interior Prof. Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhary and gave the message of peace by encouraging the audience to take a pledge not to fight with anyone. White balloons were flown in the air as a symbol of Peace. Dove badges were given to everyone to take home as a token of peace. A magnificent performance was presented with special props and banners which gave peaceful messages like, ‘We are the harbingers of Peace, Peace Day: A reminder of the human cost of war, Love & Peace, Live together in Peace, Let there be Peace in Our World, Friendship promotes Peace, Heal the World and Long live absolute world Peace’.

Mrs. Riffat Mushtaq, Founder and Chairperson of Roots School System highlighted the importance of peace by saying, “On this International Day of Peace, let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect. Let us invest in the schools and teachers that will build a fair and inclusive world that embraces diversity. Let us fight for peace and defend it with all our might.”

Roots Garden Schools, Roots IVY Schools and Roots DHA1 are very actively participating in international projects and forums through student networking and global projects committed to a culture of peace, harmony, friendship and tolerance between the youth of the world. Students are taught to become peaceful and responsible citizens of a nation and of the world. Students need to learn the importance of contributing to their school and community. They need to be compassionate and show tolerance towards others. They should also show humility and consider the needs of others. Serving and helping others is also of great importance. Building citizenship skills helps students feel that they can be peaceful contributors and can work to benefit their society.

At the end, all students signed a pledge to be peaceful citizens to make their country a peaceful land. Overall, it was a special initiative by the students to promote global peace and understanding. The day was dedicated to world peace, tranquillity, peace education and a pledge to end all wars and violence.