Friday July 26, 2024

Fuuast bans student organisations

By Syed Muhammad Askari
May 23, 2024
This image shows the building of FUAAT in Karachi. — Facebook/The Federal Urdu University of Arts,Science & Technology -Fuuast/File
This image shows the building of FUAAT in Karachi. — Facebook/The Federal Urdu University of Arts,Science & Technology -Fuuast/File

Student organisations have been banned in the Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology (Fuuast). The acting registrar of the university has issued a notification in this regard. It has been said in the notification that all student organisations have been banned in the Federal Urdu University. Students organisations cannot carry out any teaching or non-teaching activities within the university limits. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against students who do not follow this office order and such students’ admissions will be immediately cancelled.