The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on Tuesday filed a petition with the Sindh High Court (SHC) seeking permission to direct the Karachi commissioner to decide the party’s application with regard to holding a public meeting at Bagh-e-Jinnah.
PTI General Secretary Ali Ahmed Palh said in the petition that the party wants to hold a peaceful public assembly at Bagh-e-Jinnah on April 28, and they have written to the District East deputy commissioner for permission. Palh said that despite receiving the application, the DC is yet to decide it.
The petitioner’s counsel Ali Tahir said that the constitution of Pakistan enshrines the freedom of assembly as a fundamental right in Article 16, and that this article guarantees every citizen the right to assemble peacefully and without arms, subject to reasonable restrictions imposed in the interest of public order.
Tahir said the petitioner was not granted a no-objection certificate by the DC despite having been written three letters, and the delay in deciding the application was mala fide and a sheer attempt to usurp, hamper and infringe upon the fundamental rights of the freedoms of assembly, association and speech.
The court was requested to declare that the petitioner and his party are entitled to the protection of articles 16 and 17 of the constitution, and to direct the DC to decide the application of the petitioner.
The counsel also requested the court to grant the party permission to hold the public meeting at Bagh-e-Jinnah on April 28 in case the DC refuses to accept their application.
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