Friday July 26, 2024

New population policy draft complete

February 26, 2024

LAHORE: Punjab Population Welfare Department Secretary Salman Ejaz has announced the completion of a draft for a new population policy, soon to be presented for cabinet approval.

This image shows, Punjab Population Welfare Secretary Salman Ijaz chairs a review meeting of World Banks Family Planning Program released on January 16, 2024. —Facebook/Population Welfare Department Punjab
This image shows, Punjab Population Welfare Secretary Salman Ijaz chairs a review meeting of World Bank's Family Planning Program released on January 16, 2024. —Facebook/Population Welfare Department Punjab

Presiding over a meeting here on Sunday, he highlighted the policy’s transformative approach to family planning services and counselling, aiming to bring these vital services directly to the general public. Through communication channels, the initiative seeks to raise awareness about family planning and its benefits.