Friday July 26, 2024

Fourth-time lucky?

By News Desk
February 13, 2024

This letter refers to the cartoon from January 24, 2024 in which a hapless, underprivileged citizen is shown holding two political placards. One claims that Bilawal Bhutto says he only needs one term to turn things around while the other claims that Nawaz Sharif says it will not be easy to get the country back on track. Now that the elections are done, it seems like we are going to end up with a hung parliament. How long any coalition government that is formed will be able to last is anyone’s guess. However, I strongly agree with the sentiment expressed by Nawaz Sharif. It will indeed be challenging to get Pakistan back on track. Conversely, what Bilawal is saying is, perhaps, too overconfident and optimistic given our present circumstances.

Fourth-time lucky?

I would prefer that we get a coalition government headed by Nawaz Sharif, with all the main parties supporting it. That is our best bet for extricating ourselves from the political quagmire and the economic abyss we have landed ourselves in. Nawaz Sharif has delivered in the past and, given his track record, I am confident he will do so again in future.

Abbas R Siddiqi
