Sunday June 16, 2024

Asthmatics need extra care to avoid life-threatening emergencies

Health experts say that it is time for patients suffering from asthma to take precautionary measures to avoid asthma triggers

By Muhammad Qasim
January 20, 2024
This representational image shows an asthma pump in hand. — Pexels
This representational image shows an asthma pump in hand. — Pexels

Islamabad: People suffering from asthma may face life threatening emergencies if they do not take extraordinary preventive measures in the existing weather conditions, the dry chilly weather having a high level of polluted air filled with dust and toxic chemicals as there has not been rain for weeks in this region of the country.

The healthcare facilities in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi have already been receiving asthma patients with complications including status asthmaticus, the respiratory failure that comes with the worst form of acute severe asthma or an asthma attack. Experts say that people particularly those suffering from asthma must be aware of the fact that an attack comes on quickly that does not respond to regular treatment or usual bronchodilators taken by inhalation can lead to status asthmaticus.

Data collected by ‘The News’ has revealed that a number of patients are being reported at the healthcare facilities with severe difficulty in breathing due to asthma attacks. The data also reveals that the number of cases being presented at the public and private healthcare facilities with asthmatic bronchitis is also on the rise in this region of the country. Studies reveal that if asthma and bronchitis occur together, the condition is called asthmatic bronchitis.

Health experts say that it is time for patients suffering from asthma to take precautionary measures to avoid asthma triggers. Patients must avoid allergens, the chemical substances that trigger acute attack. Patients with asthmatic bronchitis must avoid common triggers that include smoke, tobacco smoke, pollution, chemicals, cold weather, allergens and strong emotions, laughing or crying.

Asthmatics have shortness of breath, air hunger, difficulty in breathing and fever. The characteristic whistling sound that is produced when air passes through narrow airways is called wheeze and is present in most of the patients. Asthma attack sometimes deteriorates the respiratory function due to severe spasm or exhaustion and patients may have diffuse wheezing all over the chest and develop bluish discoloration of hands, feet, oral cavity and lips. In some cases, patients may not be able to speak complete sentences. Experts say that patients with such symptoms should be taken immediately to the nearest hospital for management.

Other symptoms of asthma attack include agitation, restlessness and a feeling of impending doom. Experts believe that the majority of patients with severe asthma attacks may respond well to emergency treatment however nearly 10 per cent of patients with acute severe asthma need intensive care.

Experts say that people must be aware of the fact that status asthmaticus is respiratory failure, a severe condition in which asthma attacks follow one another without pause. It is a life threatening condition and patients may need admission to the intensive care unit of a hospital for management. Inability to complete sentences, drowsiness, bluish discoloration of fingers and face and no response to routine medicines along with agitation and restlessness are main symptoms of it.

Experts say that to avoid asthma attacks, asthmatics should strictly avoid exposure to extreme cold and should not stay outside homes in the coldest hours, from evening till morning if possible. Asthma patients must avoid dust, smoke, exertion, heavy exercises and prolonged use of gas heaters. They should also avoid self-medication and get vaccinated against flu and pneumonia. Experts believe that the most important thing to avoid complications in case of acute bronchitis and asthma is that patients must follow their physicians’ advice on treatment protocols.