Saturday July 27, 2024

Police probe occupation of land owned by ex-PM’s son

By Imdad Soomro
December 05, 2023

KARACHI: A police inquiry initiated on the directions of the inspector general of police (IGP), Sindh, has declared Fouzia Zardari responsible for encroaching upon a precious land property situated in District Naushahro Feroze, of her son-in-law Taimoor Saleh Jatoi.

However, the lady, who belongs to an influential family, has claimed having documents showing her ownership of land.

The inquiry had been assigned last month to DSP Siraj Lashari by IGP Raja Riffat Mukhtar, following a complaint of Taimoor Saleh Jatoi, nephew of former prime minister Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi. 

This image shows police personnel in Karachi. — AFP/File
This image shows police personnel in Karachi. — AFP/File

On December 4, the inquiry was completed, and a report was submitted to the IGP. In the inquiry report, a copy of which is exclusively available with The News, besides Fouzia Zardari, IO DSP Lashari also declared Sashain, former wife of complainant Taimur Jatoi, Naushahro Feroze SSP Abid Baloch, district revenue staff and their aides responsible for the alleged encroachment.

Lashari told this reporter that following the directions of the IGP, he did the inquiry and submitted the report in light of statements of the complainant, all persons under allegation, and other relevant persons, officers and verification of official revenue record and physical verification of the area. As per the official record, Taimur Saleh Jatoi had married Sashain, daughter of Fouzia Zardrai, some four years back. The relationship later broke and the couple opted for separation.

Taimoor Jatoi, after separation, transferred some portion of his property (150 acres) near Sonahari Farm, Bandhi Road, Taluka Moro of District Naushahro Feroze, to his daughter Aisha conditionally by keeping supervision of the land in his custody.

SSP Abid Baloch told The News that neither he as an SSP nor the Naushahro Feroze Police helped anyone in encroaching on the land. He said the daughter of Fouzia Zardari remained married to Taimoor Jatoi for almost four years and as per his information, they got separated. The couple had a three-year-old daughter, Aisha. Taimoor transferred 150 acres of agricultural land in the name of her daughter. The mother has the custody of Aisha. After separation, the mother demanded the share of her daughter as she had her custody that Taimoor reportedly refused, which led to taking over of land by Fouzia Zardari.

Taimur Saleh Jatoi, in his complaint, submitted to the IGP that the land of his minor daughter had been illegally occupied by Fouzia Zardari, his mother-in-law, and Sashain. He said he was the natural guardian of his daughter and her property, which he had purchased and subsequently transferred in her name for her welfare. The land is located in Deh Ghairabad Kekhat, Taluka Moro, District Naushahro Feroze. He requested legal action and concluded that the land had been forcibly occupied by Fouzia Zardari and her daughter Sashain through armed goons with the help of the Sindh Police and they were removing crops with police help.

Sashain Jatoi, in her reply submitted to the IGP, narrated that her husband Taimur Saleh Jatoi had sold out the agricultural land (148 acres) in 2021 to her through a registered sale deed available on the record and the land possession was handed over to her. Since then, she is in physical possession of the land. She said Jatoi had also sold out other land in different Dehs of Taluka Moro, through a registered sale deed and the land possession was lying with her. She said neither she nor her mother Fouzia Zardari illegally possessed the property and Jatoi leveled bogus allegations against her and her mother for ulterior motives. Jatoi left her and their daughter Aisha Jatoi and went to Dubai, and failed to provide maintenance to her who is in her custody.

She concluded that she was the legal owner and legally possessed the land, therefore, the allegations made by Jatoi in his application were false, bogus and without any substance. She requested the IGP for legal action against Jatoi for filing a bogus application against her and her mother.

Javed Nondani, private secretary of Fouzia Zardari, provided certified copies of the revenue record to this reporter, showing that Taimur Jatoi willfully sold out his property to her wife. On behalf of Fouzia Zardari, he said, no one encroached on the land of Taimur and all allegations in this regard were fabricated.