Tuesday January 14, 2025

Increasing trend in prices of essential vegetables continues

By Jawwad Rizvi
December 04, 2023

LAHORE:The increasing trend in the prices of essential vegetables was continued on the third consecutive week while some perishable rates including potatoes and tomatoes were come down after influx of the local crop while the rates of onion and other items are further increased.

The potatoes, the local crop of Punjab province, started while tomatoes were coming from Sindh. However, the prices of onion is on rise because is being imported from Afghanistan. Similarly, some other winter season vegetables are arriving from KP and that is why their rates are not reducing.

Further, the prices of chicken meat also reduced this week in the official rate lists but no impact is seen in the market prices. The price of chicken was reduced by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs314-326 per kg, sold at Rs360-400 per kg, and chicken meat by Rs29 per kg, fixed at Rs473 per kg, and sold Rs500-1,000 per kg.

A labourer carries a basket of cabbages at a vegetable market in Islamabad on February 3, 2023. — AFP
A labourer carries a basket of cabbages at a vegetable market in Islamabad on February 3, 2023. — AFP

The price of potato soft skin new A-grade was reduced by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs90-95 per kg, B-grade at Rs80-85 per kg, and C-grade at Rs70-75 per kilogram, mixed sold at Rs100-120 per kg, potato sugar free A-grade further declined by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs70-75 per kg, B-Grade fixed at Rs65-70 per kg, C-grade fixed at Rs60-65 per kg, mixed sold at Rs80 per kg. \The price of onion A-grade further gained by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs143-150 per kg, sold at Rs180-200 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs130-135 per kg, sold at Rs150-160 per kg, and C-grade fixed at Rs120-125 per kg, sold at sold at Rs140 per kg.

The price of tomato A-grade further reduced by Rs30 per kg, fixed at Rs95-100 per kg, sold at Rs160-200 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs85-90 per kg, and C-grade fixed at Rs75-80 per kg, both B&C mixed sold at Rs120-140 per kg. The price of garlic local was reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs395-410 per kg, sold at Rs500 per kg, and garlic China gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs585-605 per kg, sold at Rs800 per kg. The price ginger Thai gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs410-430 per kg, sold at Rs600 per kg, Garlic Indonesia fixed at Rs290-300 per kg, sold Rs450 per kg and ginger China by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs565-585 per kg, sold at Rs800 per kg.

Cucumber farm declined by Rs34 per kg, fixed at Rs50-53 per kg, sold at Rs100-120 per kg. Brinjal price was further gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed Rs50-53 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg. \Biter gourd price further gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs80-85 per kg, sold at Rs120-160 per kg.

The price spinach farm further increased by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs43-45 sold at Rs60-70 per kg, spinach local was fixed at Rs50-53 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg. Zucchini farm gained by Rs4 per kg, fixed at Rs74-78 per kg, sold at Rs100-120 per kg, and Zucchini long gained by Rs12 per kg, fixed at Rs57-60 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg. The price of lemon China reduced by Rs3 per kg, fixed at Rs47-50 per kg, sold at Rs100-160 per kg. Pumpkin was reduced by Rs15 fixed at Rs70-75 per kg, sold at Rs150-180 per kg. Green chili price A-grade further gained by Rs15 per kg, fixed at Rs90-95 per kg, sold at Rs150-160 per kg, B-grade by Rs13 per kg, fixed at Rs60-63 per kg, sold at Rs120 per kg. Capsicum price was further gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs115-120 per kg, sold at Rs150–160 per kg.

Price of cauliflower was further gained by Rs6 per kg, fixed at Rs63-66 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg, cabbage reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs76-80 per kg, sold Rs120-140 per kg. Carrot Chinese reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs172-180 per kg, sold at Rs280-300 per kg, carrot local by Rs3 per kg, fixed at Rs62-65 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg.

Arum was further gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs125-130 per kg, sold at Rs250-300 per kg. Turnip was further reduced by Rs2 per kg, fixed at Rs60-63 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg. Fenugreek (Methi) gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs95-100 per kg, sold at Rs160-200 per kg. Pea price was reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs178-185 per kg, sold at Rs200-240 per kg.

Beetroot was sold at Rs200-240 per kg. Coriander was sold at Rs20 per bundle. Beans price was not issued, but sold at Rs300-400 per kg.

Radish was gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs23-25 per kg, sold at Rs40-50 per kg. Mogray price was fixed at Rs150-155 per kg, sold at Rs200 per kg. Saag was fixed at Rs48-50 per kg, sold at Rs50-60 per kg.

The price of different variety of apples was fixed at Rs60-265 per kg, sold at Rs130-400 per kg. The price of Banana A-category further gained by Rs5 per dozen, fixed at Rs120-125 per dozen, sold at Rs130-150 per dozen, and B-category fixed at Rs85-90 per dozen, sold at Rs120 per dozen, and C-category fixed at Rs65-70 per dozen, sold at Rs80-100 per dozen. Dates Irani reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs470-490 per kg, sold at Rs800 to 1200 per kg. Papaya reduced by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs190-200 per kg, sold at Rs200-250 per kg.