Friday July 26, 2024

Khattak vows to expose ‘corrupt’ politicians

By Riffatullah
October 21, 2023
Khattak vows to expose ‘corrupt’ politicians

PESHAWAR: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-Parliamentarians (PTIP) Chairman Pervez Khattak on Friday said he had established the new party to expose the dual faces of political leaders.

Speaking at a public rally, the former defence minister said that these leaders had been making us a fool for the last 75 years in the name of “roti, kapra aur makan and Naya Pakistan.”

He said that simple people were always deceived by the rhetoric of these leaders. The masses should ask the leaders of all political parties to name those who pushed the country to the current situation.

They should be asked as to who was responsible for joblessness, lawlessness and the bad economic situation in Pakistan.

These parties are again approaching the voters but the people must hold them accountable for the bad situation the country is facing. If these leaders were truly patriotic, the country would not have been in the present mess today, he said.

He said those who had ruled the country for 35 years had failed to provide jobs, justice and good quality of life to the people.

“The country was not industralised during this period. Therefore, they should be asked to name those responsible,” he said.

Pervez Khattak said he formed the new party to expose these elements who were responsible for the present mess. He said the country needed sincere leaders to put it on the track of development and prosperity.

The former federal minister said that people should be educated to know their real enemies who had been deceiving them for decades.

He said he had been advised not to talk about the PTI leadership, however, he must talk to expose the real face of PTI. Khattak said the PTI had promised to establish industries but nobody could point out a single achievement of the party beneficial for the country.

He said that only a select group of people got richer and ordinary people suffered. The PTI MNAs had no respect in the party, adding that they were not even allowed to meet Imran Khan.