Monday June 17, 2024

MMC secures ISO certification

By Our Correspondent
September 01, 2023

MARDAN: The Mardan Medical Complex (MMC) here on Thursday got International Standardisation Organization (ISO) certification. The certification was granted on completion of the hospital’s audit by a UK-based firm, which declared services at the MMC in accordance with the international standards of ISO 9001:2015.The firm’s Total Quality Systems (TQS), team led by its General Manager North Mohammad Akbar Khan visited MMC.

The team reviewed performance of all the departments, the medical equipment, implementation of patients and staff rights as well as the quality management.Other members of the team included Chief Operating Officer of TQS Shoaib Akbar Khan, Project Manager Muhammad Imran, Auditor National Quality Assurance (NQA) Dr Nadia Nisar and Support Auditor NQA Nadir Siddique.

They also held a meeting with the hospital management including Medical Director Professor Dr Imad Hameed, Hospital Director Dr Tariq Mahmood, Director Finance Muhammad Sheraz and Manager Quality Assurance Hameed Zeb and discussed various matters of mutual interest with them.Dr Tariq Mahmood said ISO certification was achieved due to the dedication and hard work of all clinical and auxiliary/supporting staff.

Prof Dr Imad Hameed said patients would be provided with the safest and most effective treatment facilities in line with the ISO quality management.He said that with the certification facilities, technologies and hospital staff skills would further enhance and strengthen with positive changes and discoveries in the fields of medicine.

Manager Quality Assurance Hameed Zeb said that the certification was a testament to the hospital’s ongoing pursuit of excellence in healthcare and providing patients with the best possible experiences and outcomes.