Thursday October 24, 2024

IPC ministry asks FIFA questions about PFF NC’s performance

By Abdul Mohi Shah
August 26, 2023

ISLAMABAD: Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC) has asked FIFA about the actions taken against the officials concerned for repeated failure to hold Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) elections.

In a letter addressed to the authorities in FIFA ahead of the expected September 12-13 meeting of all stakeholders, the IPC Ministry wants to know what actions were taken against the previous PFF Normalisation Committee headed by Hamza Khan. 'The News' has exclusive access to the letter written by the Ministry which raises some serious questions.

The letter says:

i. FIFA has extended the mandate/period of NC number of times like first time FIFA had appointed NC in 2019 and that NC had failed to fully accomplish their assigned mandate including conducting of PFF 's elections. Therefore, action(s) taken by FIFA, if any, against that NC needs to be kept on record aiming to set an example not only to ensure transparency in the functioning of present NC but also this would enable present NC to continue its business in true perspective of their assigned mandate within given time frame.

ii. It is essential to know that what strategy and election roadmap/ schedule (along with timelines) NC has devised to conduct elections by 15th March, 2024 and indicators/KPIs to monitor the progress of NC by FIFA.

iii. FIFA in their letter dated 23rd June, 2023 addressed to Chairman of NC has conveyed that in the event that the PFF elections have not taken place by 15th March, 2024, the matter will once again be brought to the Council's attention for consideration and possible imposition of sanctions on PFF, in accordance with the FIFA's Statutes. Here question arises that in case of failure of NC to conduct the elections of PFF by 15th March, 2024, as to whether imposing sanctions on PFF will address/resolve present state of affairs of football in Pakistan or otherwise and who will bear the cost of that failure?

iv. What other steps/activities and remedial measures are required to be accomplished to successfully conduct the elections of PFF within given time frame?

The letter also says United Nation's General Assembly in its Fifty-Eight Session adopted a resolution regarding sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace. As per UNESCO's International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport, the practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right for all.

It is further stated in the letter that the Ministry is accountable before the Parliament as well as general public, the football stakeholders in Pakistan.