Friday July 26, 2024

Lower grade govt school positions being ‘hurriedly’ filled in Sindh

By Syed Mohammad Askari
August 10, 2023

Under the Department of School Education, the recruitment process for lower grades (BS-1 to BS-4) in government schools across the province, including the seven districts of Karachi, has begun with lightning speed, just days before the Sindh provincial government’s term ends.

The district education officers have received the deputy commissioner’s lists of potential appointees. In the past, the director school and DEOs oversaw the recruitment and interview process, but the current government has discreetly assigned deputy commissioners to lead the process.

According to estimates, there are thousands of job openings in Karachi alone. A DO has confirmed that he received the list from the deputy commissioner two days ago and was instructed to issue offer letters only to candidates whose names were on the list, despite the fact that the deputy Commissioner received the same list from a political party and the majority of these potential appointees are allegedly being favoured without merit or are politically connected.

The Services Hospital is currently flooded with applicants who are rushing to complete the entire recruitment process before the end of the government, lest the matter be left unresolved due to the change in administration. Peons, watchmen, lab assistants, Naib Qasids, drivers, sweepers, and other positions are among those being filled by these recruitments.