CHITRAL: At least eight persons were killed and seven others injured when a pickup fell into a ravine in Goshal Gol locality near Ashret in Lower Chitral on Thursday. Police officials said a family was on its way back to Domel in Lower Chitral after attending a wedding ceremony in Upper Dir when the accident happened. They said that 25 members of the family had gone to attend the wedding ceremony of their relatives in Upper Dir. They added that the vehicle fell into the gorge while negotiating a turn at Goshal Gol. The dead were identified as Rahmat Zarin, Halima Bibi, Muntazira Bibi, Abdullah, Hakim, Daim Khan, Gull Bibi and Rukhsana. Police officials said the injured were first shifted to the Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Drosh from where they were taken to the district Headquarters Hospital due to their serious condition.
Bench also directed all authorities concerned to refrain from arresting them and instructed petitioners to appear...
Police authorities admitted that no investigation had been conducted so far but mentioned that a video had been uploaded
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Court inquired, “Under what law, you put the name in the list”
Meeting was attended by Senators Irfanul Haq Siddiqui and Samina Mumtaz Zehri, along with representatives from...
No case of incident was registered, while polio team in Jacobabad refused to perform duties, demanding strict against...