Friday July 26, 2024

R&D firm to reward plant breeders

By Our Correspondent
June 01, 2023

LAHORE: A research and development (R&D) firm Guard Agricultural Research and Services has announced an award with a cash price of Rs10 million each for breeders of the private and public sectors to encourage development of high yielding varieties of major crops and plants, a statement said on Wednesday. ‘Shafi Malik Plant Breeders Award’ would be given to the breeders who evolve the best quality high yield seeds of rice, cotton, and wheat. The incentive was announced by Shahzad Ali Malik, chairman of Rice Research and Development Board, Punjab.

Addressing a press conference, Malik stressed the need for immediate steps to increase yield per acre of field crops through the best varieties, which he said was possible by rewarding breeders through a lucrative incentive package/scheme. He highlighted that in five major field crops including rice, maize, cotton, wheat and sugar cane, only two crops, rice and maize had performed well due to high yield varieties with the main contribution of the private sector.