Saturday July 27, 2024

Directive to dispose of mutation cases

By Our Correspondent
May 30, 2023

LAHORE:Senior Member Board of Revenue (SMBR) Punjab Nabeel Javed chaired the second meeting regarding pending mutation cases across all districts of Punjab at his office here on Monday. SMBR directed the officers concerned to dispose of pending mutation cases as early as possible.

Member (Taxes) Tariq Qureshi, Punjab Land Record Authority (PLRA) DG Saira Umar, Deputy Secretary (Staff) Romaan Burana and Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Lahore attended the meeting.

Member (Taxes) and PLRA DG informed that all the deputy commissioners have been asked to dispose of pending mutation cases in their respective districts and divisions. The SMBR directed to constitute a four-member committee under the leadership of deputy commissioners to oversee pending transfers. The committee should include ADC (R), ACs, Sub Registrars and PLRA officers. He emphasised that the delay in the disposal of pending mutation cases after payment of registration fees was unjustifiable and an added burden on the public.

While issuing strict orders regarding the disposal of pending mutation cases, the SMBR noted that the transfer process should be completed within seven days. Any revenue officers or officials who failed to complete pending transfers within the specified time frame will face action under the PEEDA Act, Corruption or blackmailing in the transfer process will not be tolerated, he warned. He urged district heads and relevant offices to assess progress daily by conducting surprise visits and keeping the BoR updated on daily progress. He warned that officers and employees involved in corruption, nepotism, or incompetence will be immediately transferred to other branches.

He also instructed the PLRA DG to share the data about pending mutation cases with the commissioners and deputy commissioners every week. He further stated that the BoR was working tirelessly to strengthen itself on modern lines and committed to resolve public revenue issues efficiently.