Friday July 26, 2024

Trump says he’s not upset over possible indictment

March 27, 2023

WASHINGTON: Donald Trump repeatedly insisted on Saturday night that he was not upset by expected criminal charges that might arise from the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into his role in paying hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels as he returned from a campaign rally in Waco, Texas.

Travelling back from his first rally as a 2024 presidential candidate, Trump claimed during a recorded interview with four reporters aboard his Trump Force One plane that he was unafraid about the investigation even as he attacked the case and attacked media reporting about the case.

“I’m not frustrated by it. It’s a fake investigation. We did nothing wrong – I told you that,” the former president said before proceeding to lash out at the NBC News reporter on the plane who asked whether he was frustrated. “This is fake news, and NBC is one of the worst. Don’t ask me any more questions.”