Friday July 26, 2024

Investment opportunities enhancing Pakistan-UAE ties, says governor

By Our Correspondent
March 20, 2023

The cordial ties between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan for the past many decades have proved to be highly beneficial for the people of the two countries.

Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tessori said this while speaking at a reception on Sunday hosted by honorary consul general of Mozambique Khalid Tawab in the honour of the UAE Consul General in Karachi, Bakheet Ateeq Al Remithi.

The governor said the investment opportunities emerging in Pakistan had further promoted the ties between the two countries.

He also appreciated the proficiency of the UAE consul general in Urdu, stating that the UAE diplomat was very popular among the business community of Pakistan that often invited him to hold interaction with Pakistani traders. Tessori assured the audience at the reception that the present government was fully committed to bringing stability to the economic situation and every quarter in the country should play its due role in the improvement of the national economy.

He said the business fraternity in the country should come forward and perform a proactive role for the sake of the economy of the country that enabled businessmen to earn noble status, wealth, name and fame.

The UAE consul general told the audience that his country gave immense value to its relations with Pakistan as the people of the UAE were always ready to help their Pakistani brethren in all their testing times.

Meanwhile, a delegation from Saudi Arabia involved in making arrangements for Pakistani pilgrims at the holy sites called on the governor at the Governor House.

Tessori thanked the delegation for their resolve to ensure the provision of the best possible facilities to the Pakistani pilgrims. He advised members of the delegation to keep in touch with Pakistani travel agents in this regard.

He mentioned that every year, a very large number of Pakistanis went to Saudi Arabia for performing Umrah and Hajj. He told the delegation that prospective Saudi investors would find very appealing investment opportunities in Karachi that was considered the economic hub of the country.

Tessori said that Pakistani people gave special value to Pak-Saudi ties owing to the presence of the holiest sites of Islam in Saudi Arabia. The delegation members assured the governor that they would take all possible steps to ensure the welfare of the Pakistani pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.


Recently, the governor lauded the charity organisations and non-profits that had come to the rescue of the destitute people in the country suffering from unprecedented inflation after the state and successive governments failed to ensure their welfare.

He was speaking as the chief guest at a seminar titled ‘Entrepreneurship: Much needed for the national economy’ organised by the National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) at the Governor House.

Tessori acknowledged that the state had failed to provide employment and fulfil the fundamental needs of underprivileged families, due to which charitable organisations had emerged as the last hope for the people living below the poverty line.

He acknowledged that underprivileged families had to face unbearable economic conditions due to massive increase in inflation as the head of a family earning a few thousand rupees every month did not have the means to fulfil all the basic needs of the people in his house.

He appealed to the philanthropists and affluent people to generously donate to the sincere and committed charities in the country to help them serve the downtrodden communities in the best possible manner.

Karachi Metropolitan Corporaiton Administrator Dr Syed Saifur Rehman said on the occasion that the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) had the complete resolve to make clean and green all open urban spaces in the city to play its due part in countering the adverse phenomenon of climate change.

He added that the NGOs actively taking part in the plantation campaigns in the country were performing an important national duty and the KMC would fully support their efforts. NFEH President Naeem Qureshi said that his NGO had been constantly running a campaign of tree plantation in Karachi for the last nine years to make the city clean and green. He said the NFEH had planned to develop an urban forest in Karachi in collaboration with the KMC and the corporate sector.